Amid non-stop e-mails and social media bombarding everyone each day, there is a powerful answer to help you stand-out above the noise. How can you make an impact that is both remembered and generates additional business for you? It is the power of the handwritten “Thank You” card.
Yes, Thank You via e-mail is so much easier. Yet, it is not the same. By setting up a system to send out handwritten Thank You cards, you will see a positive difference in your real estate business. The handwritten Thank You card is not something new and has been a tool for the success of many of the top agents in the country involved in real estate for decades.
Let’s look at some examples of when to send out a Thank You card. The list can go on and on, so remember to tailor your cards to meet your business model.
Also, remember that Thank You can be expressed in so many different ways and does not have to use the words ‘thank you’! – It is about expressing gratitude and appreciation. That is what is remembered most.
Before we begin, when you meet someone get as much information as you can when you put them in your contacts or contact management system (CRM). Most people will happily give you their birthdays or anniversaries dates. If you use Gmail or another program, it will automatically let you know when someone’s birthday or anniversary is coming up. This gives you an opportunity to plan your entire month instead of waiting until the last minute to send something out.
10 Opportunities To Say Thank You Beginning Today
A birthday only comes once a year and is a perfect opportunity to acknowledge and appreciate someone. Send a birthday card to current and past clients. Getting a birthday card in the mail has become a rarity. Many people text or use social media to say Happy Birthday. Be different and send a hand-written one to them instead.
Non-Traditional Holiday Cards
Many real estate agents wait until the end of the year to send out a holiday card, and that’s great. Send one out on these occasions to generate additional exposure:
- Thanksgiving
- Valentine’s Day
- Earth Day
- Veterans Day – To your veteran clients
Note: Be sensitive to where people are from, as many counties may not celebrate the same holidays.
After Meeting Someone New
This can be after meeting someone at a networking event or someone you spoke with in line while waiting to order food or check out at the supermarket. Did you strike up a conversation about real estate with them? Remember, everyone lives somewhere, whether they own or rent where they live. They may be interested in buying or selling in the future. If you can, make the first point of contact a follow-up card to thank them for the conversation or for meeting them. Include your business card.
After Giving A Listing Presentation
Whether you get the listing on the spot or must wait for an answer, send out a Thank You card the same day or the next day after you meet with the potential clients.
When You Don’t Get the Listing
It may hurt a bit at first. But I have seen agents lose a listing only to get it back when the owners realize that the agent they hired is not meeting their expectations. Be humble and send out a Thank You card when you don’t get the listing. I have seen it work months later when the home has not sold yet.
To a Cancelled or Expired Listing
When you speak with the owner of the cancelled or expired listing, and they are not interested in meeting with you, don’t despair. Send a nice follow-up Thank You note. One of my favorite stories by an agent is when she called an expired listing, and the owner said that he would use the same agent that he has been working with for over 10 years. The diligent agent did not despair and sent the owner a Thank You note. Two months later, she won the listing. Ten years later, this owner has become one of her most loyal and devoted clients.
To a For-Sale-By-Owner
Real estate agents know the value of hiring someone who is knowledgeable about buying and selling homes. Many owners today, however, like to give it a shot on their own first. They can be the toughest to persuade. Be gentle. Go and see the home. Send them a Thank You afterwards and wish them the best. Also, let them know that you would like the opportunity to meet with them again should they choose to hire a real estate agent. You would like to demonstrate the value your expertise will provide to them.
After Meeting With Buyers
Let Buyers know that you will walk them through every step of the process and that you value them. Loyalty is earned these days. Beginning with a Thank You card sets both of you up for success.
For Your Referral
When someone refers business to you, that is a huge sign that they trust you. Demonstrate their trust is well placed by letting them know that you appreciate them thinking of you and that will take good care of ______ (the person they referred to you). They will breathe a little easier.
To Your Network of Service Providers
It is recommended that real estate agents have an A list of providers that are available and show up when needed and do exceptional work. This list is priceless; many agents receive calls from their clients asking them to recommend someone for work they need done in their home. Send your providers a note when they show up for a client and the client raves about them.
Ex. The A/C guy who shows up in the heat of summer to help out a client. Your home inspector, mold inspector, repair person, roof contractor, painter, decorator, and stager. These are just a few examples.
Sending a card that arrives via mail is a small, yet powerful, gesture that will have you be remembered. Start today and watch your business grow. If the Thank You note is the first time you contact them, include your business card. It is the seed that will spread and blossom in the form of new and repeat business.
Thank You for reading!
Written for Form Simplicity by Janice Zaltman, a Realtor, LEED AP, Marketing Coach and Writer with more than 20 years of experience in the sales, marketing and media fields.