4 ways to improve your delegation skills

4 ways to improve your delegation skills. Real estate Professional smiling in a team meeting.

Do you ever find yourself stuck doing things that take too much time away from what you like to do best: meeting with clients? Have you tried to delegate tasks to someone else yet found it challenging?

According to a survey published in the Harvard Business Review, you are not alone. Only 37% of people surveyed expressed high confidence in delegating tasks. On the other side of the delegation table, the survey found that less than half (44%) of employees believed their managers were proficient in delegation.

Delegation is hard, and most people must learn how to do it right.


Here are four ways to improve your delegation skills and, more importantly, free up more client time.


  1. Identify tasks you can delegate

The first step in improving your delegation skills is determining which tasks you routinely do that can be done by someone else. Think about your daily activities. How much of your time is consumed by administrative tasks that don’t necessarily require your expertise? Examine your entire workflow, focusing on scheduling appointments, managing emails, or social media activities that could be handed off to someone else.

Most top producers will improve their workflow by leveraging technology, such as digital transaction management software like Form Simplicity. However, delegating other administrative tasks can help you free up time to focus on high-impact activities that drive more business.

When you review your daily activities, ask yourself—and be brutally honest—”Is this something only I can do, or could someone else handle it?” Responding to general inquiries, scheduling appointments, writing a blog post, or preparing other marketing materials are all tasks that can be delegated.

When identifying delegatable tasks, consider the skills and experience required to complete them successfully. Some tasks may require specific knowledge or training, while others can be quickly learned by someone new. By carefully assessing the nature of each task, you can determine which ones are best suited for delegation and which require your personal involvement.

Pro Tip: Create a weekly daily log to identify repetitive tasks. These are prime candidates for delegation.


  1. Empower others through practical training

Whether you are part of a team, work with an in-office assistant or a virtual one, or contract with others who have a specific skill set, successful delegation begins with practical training.

Delegation rarely works when you hand over a task to someone and hope for the best. Proper delegation training can involve creating detailed process documents, conducting hands-on training sessions, and encouraging questions throughout the process to ensure clarity. The goal is to build confidence and capability with the person you assign to handle your tasks so they can do so independently.

When you first learned how to use a transaction management platform like Form Simplicity, you probably went through training. Training is vital to developing delegation skills, too. For instance, if you’re delegating social media chores, ensure the person understands your brand voice, the target audience, and content strategy. They won’t be successful unless you provide them with the tools, resources, and guidance they need.

Practical training is more than just teaching the mechanics of a task; it also involves clearly communicating your expectations, goals, and vision. Take the time to explain why each delegated task is essential and put it in context: How does this specific task contribute to the overall success of your business? By providing this insight and defining the purpose, you’ll help others feel more invested in their work and motivated to deliver their best efforts.

Pro tip: Create a standard operating procedure (SOP) document that outlines the steps for each delegated task. This will make it easier for them to follow and refer to when needed.


  1. Check-in, but don’t micromanage

One of the biggest mistakes most agents or brokers make when delegating is making the assignment and then waiting for the results. This approach, especially when first working with someone you are delegating tasks to, is more likely to fail than succeed.

Setting check-in points can ensure the project stays on track without micromanaging. Upfront, establish a schedule for regular updates, whether daily, weekly, or at specific milestones. This allows you to monitor progress and offer guidance when it is needed. For example, if you’ve delegated the creation of a new buyer’s presentation, schedule check-ins at the outline, first draft, and final review stages.

Focus on the obstacles encountered and avoid nitpicking every detail. Encourage open communication: that means listening more and talking less, encouraging them to share their concerns or ideas. Remember, the goal is to provide support and guidance to avoid taking over the task yourself. Don’t set the bar too high: the quality of the work may not be—at first—as high as when you do it yourself, but give it time, be patient, and they will get better and better as they repeat these tasks.

The best practice is to strike the right balance between oversight and autonomy. Giving others a sense of ownership and accountability will strengthen the results.

Pro tip: During check-ins, focus on recognizing and celebrating progress and identifying areas for improvement to keep others motivated and engaged.


  1. The art of letting go

For most agents and brokers, learning to let go is the most challenging aspect of honing one’s delegation skills.

It’s natural to want to control every aspect of your business, but trust is essential for successful delegation. Building trust is crucial. Start by delegating less critical tasks and gradually increase the scope as you build confidence in their abilities. This approach allows you to step back and concentrate on your more vital tasks, such as strategic planning and client services.

Once you’ve trained those helping you and have established check-in points, give them the space to do their work. Moreover, avoid the temptation to hover or redo tasks, as this can undermine their confidence and motivation.

Letting go also means being open to new ideas and approaches. Others are likely to have different approaches to completing tasks, and that’s okay – as long as the work is done and completed correctly. Embrace their unique perspectives and encourage them to bring their own creativity and problem-solving skills to the table. By letting go of the need for perfection and control, you’ll create a better working environment for you – and them.

Pro tip: Provide clear guidelines and boundaries for decision-making. This will allow others to take ownership of their tasks while ensuring they understand when to seek your input.


Commit to delegation

Mastering the art of delegation is a journey, not a destination. By identifying delegatable tasks, empowering your team through training, setting check-in points, and learning to let go, you can free up your time and energy to focus on what matters most: building client relationships.

Remember that delegation can be hard. It takes time, energy, and, most importantly, practice to get it right. Think about the first time you went from paper transactions to digital ones: it took a commitment, but once you made the move, it changed your entire workflow and improved the client experience. Delegation is your key to unlocking more client time; you can accomplish that one task at a time.

If you are not currently using a transaction management solution, which can also help you better serve your clients, check out Form Simplicity online here.


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