5 Ways To Help a Non-digital Client Go Digital

5 Ways You Can Help a Non-digital Client Go Digital

When you have a client that struggles with technology, you might be inclined to print out all the transaction-related paperwork, providing them with only physical copies. But you might want to consider a different strategy to help make their life- and yours- much less taxing. And in the process, you will save a lot of trees.

It’s likely that even if you work primarily with younger home buyers and sellers, you will find that not all your clients are digital natives or tech-savvy. For these clients, technology can feel intimidating or make them feel like they are failing if they can’t get it to work.

How can you help a non-digital client go digital?

First, a caveat: this strategy may work for many of your non-digital clients, but not all. Some clients will be best served by providing paper copies of everything. However, you should find that most of your clients who resist using technology will be won over when they discover their WIFM: what’s in it for them!

1. Show the value

Vital to helping a client welcome a digital approach is to focus on the value of one technology tool. A great place to start is with Form Simplicity because it is both agent-centric and has client-facing components; it’s easy to show the value of a digital transaction right away versus a paper-intensive one.

Facebook is an excellent example of technology that non-technology-centric people once resisted. Two things changed that. First, Facebook became easier and easier to use over time. Second, people who were resisting discovered the value of using Facebook. They watch their friends use Facebook to see what is happening with family and friends all over the country.

The value that Facebook delivers helps those who are intimidated by technology overcome their hesitations and try it out. Once a non-tech-savvy person figured Facebook out, they were often hooked. Facebook’s success with non-digital natives is striking, with more than one in five US users at least 55 years old.

For agents, using a digital transaction management program overcomes the ease-of-use obstacle and delivers value: everything is online and available all the time. In addition, digital documentation provides real value as paperwork is never lost or misplaced because every document your client needs can be found in one place when you go digital.

Clients can access and efficiently fill out forms online, saving them time. They don’t have to wait for a form to be dropped off; with digital signatures, they can sign from anywhere. When the signatures are completed, the signed files are automatically sent to the client and linked to their transaction. This makes it easy for their agent to access.

Form Simplicity allows the agent to share digitally signed files in multiple ways. Anyone who was a part of the transaction can receive a copy of the file when it is completed. Files also can be directly emailed from a transaction to other parties.

2. Start with easy

When you work with a client who is apprehensive about technology, slow and steady is the best approach to take. Slowly, help them become more comfortable with the idea that technology can offer some great benefits.

Start with something easy, like showing them samples of what they will get because you are using Form Simplicity to keep track of everything for them. Show them what an email update looks like and see if they know how to open – and review – a PDF document. Or assign a task for them, such as sending back a Pre-Approval Form. In Form Simplicity, agents can assign any task to an external contact. The contact will get an email notification about a pending task assigned to them and a reminder when the task is due.

When you demonstrate something that will provide an immediate benefit or value, you can start to win them over on the usefulness of a digitally supported process for their transaction.

3. Be their tech concierge

Provide comfort to your non-digital clients: offer to be their tech concierge.

By becoming their tech concierge, you can walk them through everything. Give them a hands-on demo from your client’s point of view. Show them how Form Simplicity works to keep them updated and give them access to everything they need. Help them see the value; compare and contrast your digital solution with the alternative: a stack of papers and a loss of more trees.

4. Personalize everything

One of the pain points that non-digital clients often have is how cold technology can feel. So do the opposite by ensuring your communications – every email, text, and notification – are highly personalized.

Keep the human touch aspect embedded in your digital communications. You want to make these clients recognize that technology doesn’t need to feel impersonal – and can be made to be very personal and engaging.

5. Incentivize use and recognize success

Treat your customer to one of their favorite beverages from your local coffee house. Share it at your brokerage conference room, or bring it to their kitchen table. A small incentive can go a long way to turning apprehension into interest and setting the tone of a safe, helpful place.

Be encouraging too. Cheer on your client every time they show progress. Small wins are meaningful when you don’t see yourself as having any technical skills. Echo that sentiment.

Most successful agents already spend much time and effort making clients feel appreciated. Helping them embrace technology will make your clients appreciate you – and what you do for them – even more.


Use digital signatures in your business

  • Click here to learn more about Form Simplicity’s Ultimate Edition, which includes unlimited digital signatures and document storage.
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