Do you want to learn from and follow in the footsteps of the greatest minds that have succeeded in the real estate business? Perhaps you have already heard some of the formulas and traits discussed and heralded by top producers and their coaches. Let us go over them on-by-one to see what resonates with you and see how you can transform yourself one step at a time into an even greater version of yourself.
1. They Are Laser Focused
We face a world of distractions each day– from cell phones, to computers, to friends, family, and co-workers. Yet, being an entrepreneur and owning your own business as a real estate agent requires focus and concentration.
The ability to focus on your tasks and stay on schedule is essential to building your business and succeeding each and every month no matter the business climate.
Successful agents stay laser focused by having a routine in place that they follow no matter what. This schedule incorporates time-blocking both your personal and professional life.
2. Their Ability to Overcome Rejection and Obstacles is Remarkable
The real estate business can be a tough business, especially when you are not prepared for the hurts and disappointment that are inevitable. In real estate, as well as in sports, what clearly defines successful athletes from the average players are practicing and overcoming anything that comes your way.
Some people are born with this “shake it off and don’t’ let it get to you” ability. The good news for others is that this skill can be developed. Where do you start? First, learn about your personality type. Some real estate brokerage companies offer these tests upon entry, or you can find them online, sometimes for free.
Here are popular tests you can check out and take online for free.
This is a good starting place to see where you stand. Many of us don’t know our blind spots, as they are internal. Learning how you relate to all different circumstances is an education worth having to move forward in your life. There are also great books available on these topics.
It’s about learning to stand ten feet tall and have everything bounce off you that is negative. When you come from a place of confidence, compassion, and forgiveness, all roads remain open to you. This know-how is so worth learning. It’s about building resilience.
3. They Let Go of Perfection
Successful agents move forward and complete their goals and tasks without getting stuck in the plague of perfectionism. Do they aim to have the perfect branding, website, clothes, car, and look? Yes.
But what separates the Successful from the Perfectionists is their ability to thrive instead of staying in a stalemate waiting for the perfect time, perfect place or perfect tomorrow before acting. They prepare. They plan. And they go for it!
Perfectionism can be an illusion; don’t let it hold you back.
4. They Have High Standards of Ethics and Integrity
This is one of the most important traits that sets real estate agents apart. It is NOT all about the money or being nice and easy to work with during the transaction. It is holding oneself to the highest standards both personally and professionally. The vital trait of a successful agent is their professional reputation among their peers and their clients because it is their lasting mark in the business.
5. They Are Skilled Problem Solvers
Many people think that being successful is easy as long as you work hard. That is only one part of it. Situations and challenges arise continually that can make or break a deal. It is the logical, creative, problem solver that puts themselves on the line to find solutions to simple or complex transactions. Being clear-headed and able to see all aspects of the situation are the traits of a highly successful and effective agent.
6. They Continually Prospect for New Business
Successful agents focus on business generation. They are either on an appointment or looking for one. They prospect at set times and usually early in the day. The reason they do this is because earlier in the day is when energy is higher, more people are at home and there are fewer distractions. While prospecting they are also following up on all leads and have a system in place for communicating with their database. They prospect for appointments, not leads. They stay on schedule at all costs.
7. The Have Impeccable Mindset
Normally, this is the one trait that leads all the others. How one thinks is everything. Successful Agents embrace a growth mindset that allows them to dream big and move past their inner boundaries. We hear about mindset all the time, yet what are the best ways to achieve it? That is an individual choice. Some methods that are very popular today include daily meditation, journaling, exercise, listening to motivational speakers. Most of all, it is finding ways to reduce any stress, worry or concern that may be impacting you. The successful real estate agent is continually learning and mastering mind-over-matter.
8. They Love What They Do!
Waking up each day and loving what you do is imperative and a quality of Successful Agents. They also have a purpose in their life that extends beyond work. They are learning, growing, and motivated by a bigger purpose– whether it be family, community or contributing to a cause that is important to them. They also practice gratitude and celebrate the success of others. The world is bigger than themselves, and others can see and feel it, which spreads the love forward.
9. They Get the Tools They Need to Succeed
Successful Agents have tools in place to make their job easier and more efficient, including a digital transaction solution. The manual, paper-filled transactions are cumbersome for clients in today’s world. An easy-to-use, online real estate transaction management software, like Form Simplicity, is crucial for agents to create, manage, collaborate, eSign, and store their transactions. The eSign functionality gives clients the freedom to sign their documents from the comfort and safety of their own homes. It’s a win-win for everyone!
One more trait that the most successful real estate agents have is a desire to learn and grow. So, learn from the best and close more deals this year!
Written for Form Simplicity by Janice Zaltman, a Realtor, LEED AP, Marketing Coach and Writer with more than 20 years of experience in the sales, marketing and media fields.